Responsible Management
We have set high standards for our actions and the quality of our leadership.

We adhere to ethical management practices
Our unified code of conduct shapes our behavior standards, providing guidance to our employees in resolving ethical dilemmas and choosing the right courses of action.
We have also established ethical requirements for our contract partners, compliance with which is a prerequisite for collaboration, and non-compliance may lead to termination of the partnership.
The Ethics Committee ensures the relevance of the group’s code of ethics and assists in resolving arising issues. Questions can be directed to the Ethics Committee at [email protected].

Fraud Prevention
Considering the scope and scale of the group's activities, we place great emphasis on managing fraud risk, preventing fraud, and promptly detecting fraudulent activities.
A specialized department has been established within the group for managing fraud risk, and principles that comply with international standards have been implemented.

Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
To avoid conflicts of interest, we have implemented a financial interests reporting system through which employees submit declarations of interest and confirm their independence.
We also require our partners to act impartially in contractual relationships and not to grant undue advantages to other businesses, organizations, or individuals.
Risk Management and Ethical Oversight
The effectiveness of risk management determines the group's reputation and the achievement of its strategic objectives.
The risks affecting the group are regularly reported to the Management Board, the Audit Committee, and the Ethics Committee.
An annual summary of the Ethics Committee's activities is presented to the Management Board of Eesti Energia.
Protecting Whistleblowers
We expect that information regarding unethical conduct is always provided in good faith, so, all those who share the information described above are protected from possible retaliatory measures (e.g termination of employment, demotion or obstruction of promotion).
You can forward the information using one or several of the following described ways:
- informing the Risk Management and Compliance Department orally, by telephone +372 466 6000 or by e-mail [email protected];
- informing by telephone +372 640 7199 or by e mail [email protected] the law firm serving the Group in cases where the individual does not wish or is unable to report the information internally within the organization;
- using the form HERE (the Risk Management and Compliance Department will receive the information).
Information related to Enefit Green can be reported:
- by notifying Enefit Green's internal audit department orally, by phone +372 465 5605, or via email at [email protected];
- by notifying the law firm servicing the company by phone at +372 6407 101 or via email at [email protected], in cases where the individual does not wish or is unable to report the information internally within the organization.
The information you provide will be treated confidentially, and you may remain anonymous if you wish.