People are behind happy customers and purposeful financial results

Through conscious management of employee experience, we have come closer to our employees - their well-being is important to us.

People are our greatest asset, enabling us to create forward-looking energy solutions for our customers and inspire them to move towards a greener future together.

Employee experience

We cultivate a company culture with care and gratitude

We are constantly renewing the culture of the organization. Our goal is to create an environment that supports innovative thinking. We value cooperation based on partnership.

We encourage open communication and sharing of experiences. We inspire employees to express their opinions and participate in the development of the organization. To this end, for example, we have initiated a brainstorming exercise on the development of a management culture.

High management quality is the basis of a functioning culture

High management quality and its continuous development is important to us. We support leaders with various development programs and trainings.

Under the leadership of teams, we follow management principles.

We encourage leaders to hold regular 1:1 meetings so that our people are taken care of, empowered, and engaged in common goals.

We are growing through self-development today to change the energy world of tomorrow

Every employee and their personal development is important to us. We support the learning culture and offer opportunities for the continuous development of our competencies that meet all needs.

As an international company, we offer our employees equal opportunities to receive development activities. Trainings and workshops are held in Estonian, Russian and English.

The work of our dedicated people has an impact on the entire Baltic Sea region

We measure the commitment of our employees every year and work to increase it across the Group.

Loyal and involved employees are the greatest value of the company - through people, the business is constantly evolving and sustainable. Our work has an impact.

Equal opportunities in our recruitment journey

Value-based recruitment is an important part of our business. We treat all candidates equally, regardless of their nationality, citizenship, age, gender, religion or health. When processing the data of candidates and employees, we follow the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR).

Our recruitment policy does not check a candidate's creditworthiness. However, a general background check is carried out - the aim is to ensure the good reputation and background of new employees. We care for and keep our people as ambassadors of the company - background check is necessary in terms of their tasks, responsibilities, special tasks, expectations and opportunities.

We have appropriate and legal employment contracts with all employees.

We have an ethics committee in place - we treat everyone with courtesy, respect and care

The purpose of the committee is, among other things, to ensure the up-to-datedness of the Group's code of ethics, to advise employees on ethical issues and to resolve cases related to non-compliance with the Code of Ethics.

The Ethics Committee meets regularly on a quarterly basis, but the Committee is also convened between regular meetings as necessary. The meetings discuss cases of breaches of the Code of Ethics or values, as well as disputes that can be interpreted in different ways.

Freedom of Association, Labour Unions and Collective Trade Agreements are respected in Eesti Energia Group

Eesti Energia Group approach is based on the local law and effective regulations of the local states to ensure the best possible and equal experience to all employees of Eesti Energia Group. Eesti Energia has active operations in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Finland. As a result, everyone is entitled to join or establish a Labour Union, and hold collective bargaining discussions.

Eesti Energia as an employer respects and acts without prejudice to Labour Unions and Collective Agreements. The representatives of the employees, and Labour Unions, are part of Eesti Energia Group as all other people with zero tolerance to discrimination. Eesti Energia ensures that the representatives of the employees, and Labour Unions, are able to carry out their relevant representation functions while being employed by Eesti Energia.

All employees, whether they are part of the Labour Unions and Collective Trade Agreements, or not, have exactly the same rights and obligations.

The organisational culture of the Group

The organisational culture of the Group is free from discrimination, harassment, humiliation and other impolite behaviour.

All employees are treated fairly and equally, irrespective of nationality, age, race, gender, language, origin, skin colour, religion, disability, sexual orientation, political or other convictions.

We approach, when signing the work relationship, from the qualifications, values and skills of the employee, as well as ensure everybody equal possibilities.

We do not remain at work in a state of intoxication )incl. under the effect of narcotic or psychotropic substances). In this respect, the Group has zero tolerance.

We care for each other and we are not on the employer's premises/territory with symptoms of illness. If we feel fine enough and the way we work allow us to work, we will work from a distance. If not, we will draw up a medical certificate.

When communicating with customers, colleagues and partners, we are polite, respectful, caring and solution-oriented.

Our goal is to ensure equal opportunities

The company has an anti-discrimination policy. This includes respect for gender, race, colour, disability, political opinion, sexual orientation, age, religion, social or ethnic origin.

We provide anti-discrimination guidance through company-wide policies and training

In order to ensure equal opportunities, our organization has adopted principles that must be followed uniformly by all, such as:

  • Code of Ethics
  • Recruitment principles
  • Personnel selection principles

We follow the legislation in personnel management policy

The activities of our organization are in accordance with the legislation of the European Union and the Republic of Estonia. Being one of the largest companies in Estonia, we are in constant public interest. Our desire is to be an example and a leading developer of a caring work environment.

  • An employment contract has been concluded between our organization and the employee, which is based on the Estonian Employment Contracts Act.
  • Topics related to modern slavery policy are regulated by local Estonian laws and international regulations, rules and guidelines. We are completely guided by them.


We are a voluntary central contracting authority appointed by the order of the Government of the Republic of Estonia.

We conduct procurements in accordance with the Public Procurement Act and the procurement procedure of our company. All social and ethical aspects are important to us in procurement and cooperation with suppliers. More details on the procurements can be found in our web dedicated to procurers.

Social standards for our partners and suppliers

We follow the regulations of the bases for the elimination of the Public Procurement Act (RHS par 95 lg1 p2 - requirement to pay fair remuneration to foreigners, par 95 lg1 p3 - for example, the use of child labour). Entrepreneurs who do not comply with the requirements of the law will be excluded from Group´s procurements.

We have also established procedures within the organization that specify occupational safety and ethics requirements for partners:

  • Internal procedure "Occupational health and safety requirements for Eesti Energia's contractual partners"
  • "Ethical requirements for Eesti Energia's contractual partners"

In addition to the above-mentioned Public Procurement Act and the Group's internal procedures, all partners of the Group must also comply with the requirements established in the Employment Contracts Act established in the Republic of Estonia concerning minimum wages, working hours, occupational safety, use of minors, etc.

Health and safety

Our areas of activity include areas that involve increased risks to people and the environment. That's why we always consider safety, health and the environment. The health and safety of people is one of the most important pillars of our culture.

We organize regular health and safety training for our employees

It is important for us that all employees in our organization are in the same information field. That is why we have developed clear guidelines such as "Employee guidance and professional training." It is important to us that every employee has adequate and appropriate skills to perform their work efficiently and safely. To ensure this, we conduct supervision and professional training, organize in-service training and tests of knowledge and skills.

The document is available on the company's intranet and on the basis of this we organize:

  • Webinars;
  • One-off trainings (covering all areas);
  • We periodically run safety campaigns on various topical issues.

We base our work on the official health and safety procedure - Eesti Energia´s principles of occupational health and safety. One of the internal values of our organization is "Safety first".

We raise awareness through the sharing of relevant information

We regularly provide an overview of work environment activities:

  • To the Group's Management Board and;
  • To the Audit Committee.

Accident information is part of weekly reporting, for example:

  • At management´s information circle and;
  • High energy ´s information circle.

We have separate processes for emergency preparedness

Eesti Energia group's principles of business continuity management is a document that deals with preventive actions to ensure our readiness to continue operations or resume operations in the optimal time in the event of unexpected events. These principles are available on the intranet.

Continuous training of employees, such as various emergency responses, fire drills, take place in order to be prepared.

We have created training programs according to different areas

All companies belonging to Eesti Energia Group have introductory and in-service training and training programs.

They are based on:

  • In the respective field;
  • Job content and;
  • The level of risk.

All production plants are ISO 45001 certified. We have operating, safety instructions and regulations.

Health and safety is a key measure for drivers

The first level of KPI is to reduce health hazards and accidents. Reducing the number of cases is a level 1 KPI, or part of a performance management system. There is a fixed methodology for targeting.

Based on the LTIR Trend, we map:

  • Historical numbers;
  • In comparison with the targets and;
  • We are based on the goals for the current year.

KPI - the rate of accidents with lost working time per 1 million working hours. Organizational leaders have an occupational safety objective as a KPI as part of the performance management system.

We regularly audit our health and safety activities

We conduct regular inspections every year to promote health and safety. Internal controls are part of the standard management system, the audit is based on the "SAFETY DAY PROCEDURE".

Supervision of workplaces and the working environment is a part of daily activities - we regularly organize safety tours involving various parties, including top managers.

All our production plants are ISO 45001 certified:

  • External audits are carried out according to schedule;
  • management systems are recertified every three years.

Everyone has the opportunity to report on the danger and potential risks

Principles for reporting, recording and investigating incidents and near misses can be found on the intranet for all employees of the organization. We look forward to the contribution of all employees and partners in making our work environment safer, for which purpose we have created various opportunities (including anonymous) for reporting dangerous situations and incidents.

We have prepared work environment risk analyses and action plans.


We create positive impact

Together with several impactful organizations, we contribute to the environment and the well-being of society. We focus on projects that boost society and preserve nature, while focusing on the promotion of sciences.

Our goal is to arouse young people's interest in the field of energy and to contribute to the wide dissemination of knowledge in the field of energy

Society and Eesti Energia need a fact based greener view and innovative thinking - in order to create a cleaner future.

Our principles are:

  • Sustainability
  • Science based
  • Involvement

We stand for sustainability in workplaces

We believe that it is up to us. In the framework of the implementation of the European Green Office system, we are continuously planning, carrying out, analysing and improving our activities in the offices of the Group.

The same way of thinking has also been applied to the management of the day-to-day life of offices, as well as to the selection of furnishings, materials, technology, and plants. This, in turn, also helps us raise the awareness of our employees in reducing our ecological footprint.

Our Green Offices

Meie eesmärgiks on igal aastal viia vähemalt üks kontor Rohelise Kontori tasemeni. Meie kontoritest on juba pälvinud Rohelise Kontori sertifikaati Eesti Energia peakontor, Enefit Poweri kontorid, Enefit Connecti ja Elektrilevi Veskiposti kontor. Sel aastal oleme fookuseks võtnud sertifitseerida ka Pärnu kontor.

Eesti Energia headquarters

Eesti Energia headquarters was first awarded the Green Office certificate in 2017 and, in the same year, was also given the Green Office of the Year title. The certificate was renewed in 2021.

In improving the Lelle 22 office building project, we ensured that the building was both more resource efficient and environment- and employee-friendly. The development of a video conferencing system was of greatest importance in terms of our daily work, as a result of which the car usage of office employees and fuel consumption have decreased significantly with regard to communication with colleagues in Ida-Viru County. Where necessary, employees also have the opportunity to use electric vehicles for business purposes.

In addition, we have created excellent opportunities for our employees to be active and exercise using our indoor health trails.

Offices of Enefit Power

The administrative building of Enefit Power in Auvere was first awarded the Green Office certificate in 2019.

The principles of Green Office have also been implemented in the office of the Logistics Centre in Kohtla-Järve. In accordance with the objectives of the Green Office, the environmental impact of offices is continuously monitored are reduced to save costs, utilise natural resources prudently, and make the working environment even healthier.

The most notable changes that the implementation of the principles of Green Office have brought about have to do with the reduction of waste management and generation.

Veskiposti office

The Veskiposti office of Enefit Connect and Elektrilevi was awarded the Green Office certificate in 2021. Veskiposti office is located in an Energy Class A building which has also been awarded the green building LEED GOLD certificate.

It is a smart building where lighting, heating and ventilation are automatically regulated, depending on consumption needs. In order to save the environment and natural resources, we collect waste separately into specific waste containers on a daily basis.

The office also features a health trail running through the whole building, including invigorating exercises on the walls of every floor. While we encourage everyone to be active and move, we have also created comfortable rest areas where people can take a moment for themselves and relax.