Creating the Best Employee Experience
We design an innovative and inspiring work environment centered on employee well-being, safety, and health. High-quality leadership and a learning culture-supportive environment are important to us.
We offer an inspiring mission, opportunities for professional growth, a supportive and flexible network, and a respectable salary.

Ensuring Equal Opportunities for All
The group’s organizational culture is free from discrimination, harassment, humiliation, and other inappropriate behaviors. We always communicate politely and focus on solutions.
All employees and job applicants are treated fairly and equally, regardless of nationality, age, race, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation, political or other beliefs.
When establishing employment relationships, we focus on the employee’s qualifications, values, and skills. When processing the data of candidates and employees, we adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Respecting Freedom of Association
Our employees have the full right to join or form a trade union of their choice without prior permission and to engage in collective bargaining.
As an employer, we approach trade union activities without prejudice. Employee representatives can fully perform their duties at the workplace.
The rights of employees and job seekers are equal regardless of their relationship with a trade union or being elected as a trade union representative.

Health and Safety First
Our operations include areas that involve increased risks to people and the environment.
To ensure tasks are performed safely, we conduct training and professional instruction, organize additional training, and carry out assessments of knowledge and skills. Monitoring the work environment is part of our daily activities.
To ensure preparedness for emergencies, we conduct continuous drills and exercises that guarantee our readiness to continue or restore operations in the event of unexpected incidents.