Eesti Energia Group Results for the Full Year 2024

Sales Revenues and Profitability

Amid a challenging energy market characterized by volatile electricity prices, Eesti Energia Group’s sales revenue totalled EUR 1,785 million in 2024, reflecting a 6% year-on-year decline. The reported Group EBITDA was EUR 398 million, down 9% year-on-year. The Group’s reported net profit amounted to EUR 13 million, an increase of EUR 435 million compared to the previous year. The bottom-line results reflect a one-time, non-monetary impairment of fixed assets totalling EUR -171 million, primarily related to the depreciation of the new Enefit 280 oil shale plant.

The Group’s main revenue and EBITDA contributors were renewable energy and electricity sales, followed by the shale oil and distribution segments. Notably, all these segments posted EBITDA growth, supporting the Group’s long-term strategy of advancing its green journey. Meanwhile, non-renewable electricity production continued its expected decline in production volumes, sales, and EBITDA, as these assets primarily serve as strategic reserve units for Estonia.

Electricity Segment

Eesti Energia’s retail electricity sales volume totalled 9.8 TWh (-2%), while renewable electricity generation increased to 2.1 TWh (+35%), driven by newly completed wind farms, including the Sopi-Tootsi wind farm, and ongoing construction projects. For the first time, more than half of the Group’s electricity production came from renewable sources—a key milestone in Eesti Energia’s energy transition.

Despite higher production volumes, sales revenue from renewable energy and electricity fell to EUR 901 million (-8%), mainly due to lower electricity prices. The average electricity market price in the Estonian Nord Pool Estonia area fell by 4% to 87.3 EUR/MWh.

Segment EBITDA increased by +23% to EUR 160 million, primarily driven by fair value changes in derivatives and power purchase agreements, as well as increased capacity from new renewable energy projects. Negative impacts included lower margins due to price declines and a minor increase in fixed costs. Adjusted EBITDA for the year stood at EUR 162 million, down 9% from 2023.

Adjusted financial figures eliminate temporary fluctuations in the fair value of long-term Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) derivatives for better comparability.

Non-Renewable Electricity Production

Sales revenue from non-renewable electricity production decreased to EUR 205 million (-19%), primarily due to a reduction in oil shale-based electricity generation, which fell to 1.2 TWh (-25%). The decline is largely attributed to the expansion of renewable energy capacities across the region, leading to lower electricity market prices and reducing the competitiveness of oil shale power plants. Despite this, these facilities continue to serve as strategic reserve units for Estonia.

Segment EBITDA declined by EUR 191 million, mainly due to lower derivative gains. In 2022, the Group was able to hedge electricity prices at exceptionally high levels. These hedges still had a significant impact in 2023, but in 2024, their effect diminished, leading to a normalized situation. As a result, realized derivative transactions had a EUR -209 million negative impact compared to 2023. It’s important to note we still incurred profit from derivative transactions but less compared to the base period of 2023.

Additionally, the temporary revaluation of derivative instruments resulted in a EUR -42 million impact, reflecting mark-to-market movements. However, lower CO₂ emission costs provided a EUR +51 million positive impact on EBITDA. Overall, the segment’s gradual decline aligns with Eesti Energia’s long-term strategy.

Distribution Segment

Sales revenue from the distribution segment increased to EUR 306 million (+5%), supported by a rise in distribution tariffs and distributed volumes.

Segment EBITDA remained stable year-on-year, rising by +2% to EUR 108 million. The most significant positive effects came from higher margins (EUR +9 million) and increased volumes (EUR +2 million). However, higher grid maintenance expenses (EUR -10 million) negatively impacted EBITDA. These investments in reliability improvements are expected to reduce future downtimes and outages.

Shale Oil Segment

Sales revenue from the shale oil segment increased to EUR 179 million, up 16% year-on-year. The growth was driven by positive derivative impacts, despite a 7% drop in sales volume and a 5% decline in production volume to 451 thousand tonnes. The average price including derivatives rose by 25% to EUR 410.5/t, effecting the growth in revenue.

Segment EBITDA rose significantly to EUR 116 million, largely due to:

• EUR +35 million from derivative gains

• EUR +73 million from one-off free CO₂ emission allowances

• EUR +17 million from margin improvements due to higher average sales prices and lower CO₂ costs

Negative effects included lower sales volumes and higher maintenance-related fixed costs.

Other Products and Services

Sales revenue from other products and services declined 16% to EUR 194 million, primarily due to the Group’s exit from the pellet business. EBITDA improved to EUR -3.5 million, supported by one-off insurance proceeds and contributions from gas and heat segments.


Eesti Energia’s total capital expenditure in 2024 amounted to EUR 722 million (-7%), with a strong focus on renewable energy, distribution network upgrades, and the new Enefit-280 shale oil plant.

Key investment highlights:

  • EUR 396 million for renewable energy, including:

- EUR 229 million for Sopi-Tootsi wind and solar farm

- EUR 103 million for Kelme wind farm

  • EUR 156 million for grid maintenance & connections, marking a return to normal levels after significant investments in 2023
  • EUR 78.4 million for the Enefit-280 shale oil plant, scheduled for completion in late 2025, which and will serve as a cornerstone for strategic transformation of current liquid fuels production from shale oil to a chemical industry feedstock
  • EUR 54 million for other projects, including public EV charging stations and battery storage systems. Eesti Energia invested EUR 17.5 million in a battery storage system at Auvere power plant to support desynchronization and frequency reserve services

Financing and Liquidity

At the end of 2024, Eesti Energia’s total debt stood at EUR 1,670 million, while net debt declined to EUR 1,201 million. The net debt-to-EBITDA ratio improved to 3.0x.

The Group maintained a strong liquidity position, with EUR 469 million in liquid assets and total available funding of EUR 954 million, including undrawn loans and revolving credit facilities.

Key financing action: In Q3 2024, Eesti Energia successfully raised EUR 400 million in green hybrid bonds, listed on the London Stock Exchange, to finance its ongoing and planned renewable energy projects.

Eesti Energia’s credit ratings remained at investment grade:

• BBB- (S&P) with a negative outlook

• Baa3 (Moody’s) with a stable outlook

The Group’s financial policy aims to maintain an investment-grade credit rating and a long-term net debt-to-EBITDA target of up to 3.5x.


In 2025, the Group anticipates a modest increase in sales revenue and EBITDA (excluding one-off effects), supported by planned capacity expansions in renewable energy and the continued integration of the Baltic electricity market. Capital expenditure is projected to decline compared to 2024 as major projects are near completion, including improvements to the electricity distribution network and the finalization of the Enefit-280-2 shale oil plant.

Eesti Energia will publish its unaudited annual results on 28 February 2025. The FY 2024 interim report and investor presentation are available on Eesti Energia’s website. An investor call discussing the FY 2024 financial results will take place on 28 February 2025 at 11:00 London time, 12:00 Frankfurt time, and 13:00 Tallinn time. Please register to participate. After registration, you will receive the details required to join the conference call.